Monday, August 22, 2011

no excuses

I don't believe in excuses. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. But for the most part I don't except excuses from myself, or my kids.

I'll give you an example. Picture me typing this blog post in my car on a in front of a closed Starbucks (free wifi) at 10:26pm on a Monday night. Then jump to a caption, "...Six months earlier..."

Back about six months ago we made a commitment to do whatever it takes to move from Southern California to the SF Bay Area. We've wanted to for years now and we've been fooling ourselves because since it was such a daunting was always a good idea but we'd never really commit. So recently, we committed.

And if you like lists, here how it played out.

Reasons to move:
  • Spend more time with family.
Reasons not to move:
  • No job in the Bay Area.
  • Need to sell our house.
  • Need to find a place to rent.
  • Just started a business in Southern California.
  • Kids LOVE their friends and their sports in South Orange County.
  • I'll miss my friends. (Insert more whining here.)
As in anything, there are decisions to make and once you commit, you can't go back. Even if there are more negatives than positives? Even if you have to step out on faith? Even if it seems impossible? Especially if it seems impossible.

And do you think my kids got the same healthy dose of, "And I don't want to hear any complaining!!" You're right.

So, fast forward to tonight. It's the eve of the kids' first day of Middle School in a new school. We drove up to the Bay Area from the OC yesterday, spent four hours today at school registration filling out paperwork and taking school pictures, put down the first months rent at a new place, and went back to check the boards to see what homeroom number and teacher they have for their first day of school. Blah, blah, blah.

I've always thought that if you're a "reader" then you'll read no matter what's going on in your life because you love to read. If you are a "writer" then even when you are busy, you'd find time to write. And if you've made a commitment, no matter what it is, you honor your commitment.

Am I either a reader or writer? No. You can surely tell from this post. :)

But even if I'm sitting in my car using free wifi at a closed Starbucks at 10:54pm, I'm feeling happy and content because I followed through on my commitment. I didn't give up. And I didn't give in to any excuses.


Anonymous said...

The saddest part of it all was that I didn't even know you were moving, considering on moving or even moved.

Sonicberg said...

This was more than a committment Alison. It was a huge goal and a very large project to get off the ground. I feel good just reading that you were able to make it happen for you and the family. Best wishes!

I guess I'm going to have to come to the Bay to finish our videos LOL, but I love a good excuse to travel.

Alison Stripling said...

Thank you for reading!

Sonicberg said...

Alison, your commitment was also a huge goal and a major project. Congrats on your accomplishment!

I read recently that people witnessing a good deed got the same positive benefit from the action as the person actually doing something nice for someone else.

After reading this I would maybe expand that statement to knowing someone accomplishes their goal, creates almost as good of a feeling as accomplishing your own.

vanessa said...

great post alison! gl with everything in the bay and hope to hear more updates from you <3