Friday, November 11, 2011


I just did the 101 things putting the kids to bed, doing dishes, cleaning up. I came to sit down at my desk after peering in the girls' room making sure my 13 yo went to bed because sometimes she stays up and plays with her iPod. As I sat down, I noticed that I had this email waiting for me from my beloved 13 yo (apparently by Howard Johnson).
M-O-T-H-E-R: M is for the million things she gave me, O means only that she's growing old, T is for the tears she shed to save me, H is for her heart of purest gold E is for her eyes, with love-light shining, R means right, and right she'll always be, put them all together, they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world to me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

creating fun photo gifts

It's that time of year again...Christmastime!

Okay so it's not even October yet but the end of the year will be here before you know it. And I'm always looking for meaningful gifts to give to family and friends. If you're like me, you like to make your gifts. I feel like the spirit of giving is greater if I'm able to create it rather than just buy it.

Sometimes I do succomb to the retail pressures and the bukoo advertising dollars spent trying to get me to buy the latest gadget, hip new iproduct, or newest fashions for the girls in my life. But not without a fight.

So over the years I've created some photo calendars and photo books (even mugs, ornaments, birth announcements, and Christmas cards...but that's for another day) for family and friends. Somehow just having pictures to look at in a compact little book or calendar far outweighs the many thousands of pictures on my computer. (And just on my iMac alone, not including the two other laptops, I have 34,921 pictures. Oh my!)

I love browsing through past pictures in my books, remembering the good times and all the warm memories. I'm somewhat of a photo freak...I must pull out a camera and snap a pic at things that I want to remember. I can't help it.

You've probably seen obnoxious Japanese tourists getting in the way and taking too many pictures? Yes, that could be me.

But you have to take lots of pics to get one good one. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So this is only one of the many I've created, given to a dear friend for Christmas. Hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun making it.

PS Have you created one before? I've used Blurb, iPhoto, and Shutterfly. What have you used?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I took the kids to the Lafayette library today to get them new cards. While doing my best to keep my younger kids from rambunctiously running between the kids who were trying to study, I met a new friend.

Amazingly enough we had much in common. Within three minutes of chatting quietly in the middle of a library walkway, we concluded that we:
  • Both moved to the area less than two months ago,
  • Both have an 11yo son in four classes together at school,
  • We're both Asian, :)
  • Both have an iPhone. I noticed because I entered my cell number in her phone, 
  • ...and both of our husbands didn't make the move with us. Hers is still in Korea.
Cool prism at the library.
Up to this point since our move, I was feeling sorry for myself in this bittersweet chapter of my life since my husband is still in the OC. I thought for sure I was the only one in this impossible situation. For sure I had the right to think it's unfair that I don't have help on a daily basis for all the tasks of a household with four young kids. And yes, I now I have a new appreciation for single moms.  

I'm now the one responsible for the daily activities of four kids. From making lunches, preparing food, cleaning, driving, and homework. It's a big list and I don't want to bore you with the job description of a mom whose husband is not able to make the move yet.

Sooo here's my new favorite word...bittersweet. To me it means that even if you're struggling, there's a good reason to be thankful for your situation. To me it means that even if you're unhappy and frustrated that there are too many unknowns in your life, there's a lesson learned somewhere. 

Over the years I've been both a leader and follower, both outgoing and introverted, and both dependent and independent. So this season of life, I'll need to take a personal inventory of my strengths and make lemonade out of lemons. No, it doesn't mean being strong enough to squeeze the lemons! It means...

"Where there is no struggle, there is no strength." ~Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


My 6 year old just sneezed.
Her big sis replies, "Gazuntite."
Then the younger sis asks, "Does that mean hello???" ♥

Monday, August 22, 2011

no excuses

I don't believe in excuses. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. But for the most part I don't except excuses from myself, or my kids.

I'll give you an example. Picture me typing this blog post in my car on a in front of a closed Starbucks (free wifi) at 10:26pm on a Monday night. Then jump to a caption, "...Six months earlier..."

Back about six months ago we made a commitment to do whatever it takes to move from Southern California to the SF Bay Area. We've wanted to for years now and we've been fooling ourselves because since it was such a daunting was always a good idea but we'd never really commit. So recently, we committed.

And if you like lists, here how it played out.

Reasons to move:
  • Spend more time with family.
Reasons not to move:
  • No job in the Bay Area.
  • Need to sell our house.
  • Need to find a place to rent.
  • Just started a business in Southern California.
  • Kids LOVE their friends and their sports in South Orange County.
  • I'll miss my friends. (Insert more whining here.)
As in anything, there are decisions to make and once you commit, you can't go back. Even if there are more negatives than positives? Even if you have to step out on faith? Even if it seems impossible? Especially if it seems impossible.

And do you think my kids got the same healthy dose of, "And I don't want to hear any complaining!!" You're right.

So, fast forward to tonight. It's the eve of the kids' first day of Middle School in a new school. We drove up to the Bay Area from the OC yesterday, spent four hours today at school registration filling out paperwork and taking school pictures, put down the first months rent at a new place, and went back to check the boards to see what homeroom number and teacher they have for their first day of school. Blah, blah, blah.

I've always thought that if you're a "reader" then you'll read no matter what's going on in your life because you love to read. If you are a "writer" then even when you are busy, you'd find time to write. And if you've made a commitment, no matter what it is, you honor your commitment.

Am I either a reader or writer? No. You can surely tell from this post. :)

But even if I'm sitting in my car using free wifi at a closed Starbucks at 10:54pm, I'm feeling happy and content because I followed through on my commitment. I didn't give up. And I didn't give in to any excuses.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

my own little world

Dear Facebook,

I'm sentimental. And I love to keep in touch with my family and friends. So I wanted to tell you that...

I love Facebook. 

There's something wonderful about being able to connect to a bunch of different people simply and easily with you. Yes, I know there's Twitter and Google+ and all the others but you'll always have place in my heart.

I've used you for years now...just connecting, inviting, informing, and keeping in touch with my friends. And I love you. I'm hooked and addicted.

So I have to say that because I'm able to connect with old and new friends so I don't ever have to say goodbye, I'm grateful for you.

And on my birthday, I'm even more pleased that you are able to bring the world closer to me. Just for me in my own little world.

Thank you. And let's celebrate many more years together.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

cold shower

There comes a time in your life when you have to face your fears and do what you've never done before. I've feared it for a long time. It's true. I confess.

I took a cold shower.

Let me explain. When you have four kids (and a husband) and they all want to take a shower or bath at the same time it could result in cold water for the last shower taker.

I think 2011 is going to be a great year. I'm sure there will be more times like this when I will overcome.

Happy New Year! May 2011 bring you good health, love, laugher and happiness always. Live long and prosper.