What did I do? Well first of all, I made to the gym. That is an accomplished feat in itself. Second, I triumphed over the boredom of the elliptical machine by watching sports highlights and Food Network and listening to my iPod. And third, I drained 379 calories.

Who knows.
But what I do know is that I actually like going to the gym. It's a little ME time when the kids are not around to ask me if they can go to the library or show me little cute Lego ships that they built or show me cheerleading moves that they learned recently. It's just time for me.
More important than that is I have fitness goals. As farfetched as my fitness goals may be, it's what motivates me.
A friend told me today that she went from a size 16 to a size 8. Very awesome. I like inspirational things. I like inspirational quotes, books, movies, and songs.
Maybe my inspiration today should be to PEDAL FASTER.
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