My daughter has loved jewelry since she was ol

d enough to talk. She loves little bracelets and necklaces that match her uniqueness and beauty! We made this cute glass piece together, made from authentic japanese papers. It was our first one...I think it turned out wonderfully!
Also, since the beginning of last year, I've started a journey of love for the written word. What I mean is I've been interested in

writing and designing jewelry with words "written in my heart," that is words of affirmation, inspiration, and passion. This one is personalized but I'm in the process of creating others with a heartfelt message. It is a sweet hand-stamped sterling silver disc with gorgeous crystals or semi-precious stones.
I'd love to also include creating jewelry with acai beads, a bead that is a by product of acai berries that are known to give wisdom, strength, and good health. They are eco-friendly and acai is saving the Amazonian rainforest from extinction.
Lots of ideas and so little time...
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