Thursday, January 15, 2009

life lessons #1: top 5 reasons to have good friends

I believe that good friends keeps life interesting and enjoyable, as well as has health benefits. Relationships are not just important, they are necessary. Good friends are good for you.

1. Friends share all the stories of life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What about the time my three year old stuck a tic tac in her nose? I was distraught when telling my story to my friends, stricken with the thought that she would actually do such a thing. But I found out that a friend of mine has a child that, when he was young, stuck food in his EAR and up his nose. What giggles we had sharing stories!

2. Friends give support when life has its setbacks.

I was furious when my child’s homeschool test was erased after spending hours typing the answers (not really hours but it seemed to take forever) and I needed to vent my frustration. My friend was there for me. Needless to say that she told me that my son should do it faster the second time around because he already knew the answers. That didn’t help because typing for a 3rd grader is almost a aggravating as trying to put a three year old to bed. She did help me by letting me vent and helping me brainstorm about things I could do to prevent it from happening ever again. That is a friend.

3. Friends are the sounding board in your life.

Personal growth is important not only in your business life, but also your personal life. I believe in personal development books to help shape your thinking, your habits, and your beliefs. But books do not take the place of those around you who can who can offer experiences that you can relate to…oftentimes better than a well-known author.

4. Friends make social activities are more fun.

I have met some friends through our kids’ activities and sports. Part of the fun is experiencing them together with other parents! Our son’s football team just had their end of year banquet. That marks the end of a tremendous undefeated season! They were league champs, division champs, and won the Superbowl! Go Cowboys! I miss the trials and tribulations of the moms and dads. We either had practices or games 4 times a week! You get to know the other families when you see them that often! Phew!

5.   Friends help reduce stress.

Let’s face it. Women are emotional. When we are sharing time with our friends, we think less of ourselves. It is my personal experience that the less I think of myself, the less critical I am about cleaning the house, my parenting skills, my need to exercise more, etc. In fact, the less I am alone with my own thoughts, the better off I am! Reducing stress has heath benefits.

***   ***   ***   ***

Friendships are to be savored…each memory together is like a chocolate cake with heavenly rich frosting and sweet chocolate shavings on top. Each honest comment (that you may not want to hear) is like sinful empty calories, unwanted and hard to bear. But each helpful word of encouragement is like a mouthwatering bite of sugary bliss that you cannot live without.

Friendships take time. Meet for coffee. Email each other, text each other, or mail a card. We are often busy with life but don’t be too busy to say I’m thinking of you! Give of your time, energy, and most of all your heart.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

valentine's day gifts

Want to send a little bit of love every time you send a card? Check out these pop-open cards at Compendium, Inc. They are fun to give and get! It's a little smile wrapped up in a card. Drop one in your kids' lunch bag to let them know your are thinking of them. Brighten your co-workers day! Encourage and inspire!

Here's the sassy description of the LOVE Window Card Collection

One month of daily flirting. Add romance to your love life with 30 pop-open love notes. Hide one under the pillow. Place one on the mirror. Give one card or the whole collection, and you'll make someone's day. 

Very unique! Enjoy!

Photo property of Compendium, Inc.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

the gift that will keep on giving

My husband and I decided that our gift to each other would be a gift that will keep on giving. We decided that we were going to join the thousands of wannabe photographers and get a digital SLR camera. 

We have been taking inside shots of the kids at Christmas...opening gifts, making gingerbread houses, and playing monopoly and jenga. All good events to photograph, but you do not really need the nice Nikon camera to do it. 

Well today, we took outside pictures of the kids practicing basketball and some at the park. It was fun holding down the shutter release button and taking 3.5 frames per second. Nice. We got some action shots of the kids doing lay ups. It reminds me of those books that you flipped lots of pages quickly and it looked like the images on the pages were moving! What were those called?

I would post some of those pictures of the big kids playing ball...but it would be a lot of pictures to get that same desired effect. Not so appropriate for a blog post. But I'll share some cute pictures of the little ones playing in the sand, on the swings, and going down the slide. Typical December day in Southern California...clear and sunny.

Happy New Year! Thank you for coming back to my blog and may your year be the best ever!